daily adventures

The Daily Adventures and Thoughts of Riley, Kristen, Julia, and Kate

a continuation of http://plumb-diddly-umptious.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

April 28 - Ladera Ranch Garage Sale Day!

April 28, 2012

I finally made it to the annual Ladera Ranch Garage Sale and it was beyond awesome.  I only could go until 1100 because we had to make it to an appointment in Encinitas at noon, i feel like I could have shopped and bargained until I dropped.  I seriously think all that walking did make the baby drop lower in my stomach.  We all met up at 645 at my sister Debbies house and picked up maps and water bottles.  Then we all headed out in different directions.  My wonderful grandma Jean came in my car and garage saled with me.

It was so intense, it was hard to find parking anywhere and there were deals EVERYWHERE!  each street had something going on.  I am glad I had the pilot for all the loot we got.

The Loot!!!
Books, Double Jogger Stroller (Phil and Teds), Tricycle, Arms Reach Mini Co Sleeper, All 8 Sesame Street stuffed animals, pop up tent, toddler bjorn toilet, baby einstein alpha books, etc etc.

The Drive home afterwards.....she is such an angel when she is asleep 0:-)

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally jealous!!! Sounds like my kind of outing. One day I'll have a Phil and Ted :)
