daily adventures

The Daily Adventures and Thoughts of Riley, Kristen, Julia, and Kate

a continuation of http://plumb-diddly-umptious.blogspot.com/

Monday, April 30, 2012


this fetal child kicks a lot!  33 more days until my due date.

Julia plays so well with other kids.

its Michelle Moody's 25th birthday today-woot woot, so that means I will be 25 this year too, uhmm....hello, what the heck

i can't get over how much dust and stuff my vacuum picks up, it doesn't make sense.

i shouldn't of had cereal for breakfast because julia always eats half of it, even though she already had her full meal, and i am starving only 30 mins later

my mom updated my mac computer calendar for me, inputing like 40 things, while she was babysitting Julia a few weeks ago.  i just discovered this yesterday, i was so confused when i saw it because i couldn't remember putting that stuff in and thought it was just pregnancy brain.

i really need a new cell phone, just waiting for it to be free again soon. at&t is a love-hate relationship.

Julia can say Milk and MaMa and elMo now..that M took forever!  did i mention she is still teething??  working on her lower front teeth right now.

i live off of exit 2, i can see mexico hills south of me.  did you know they have this HUGE mexico flag in tijuana, i swear its like bigger than a football field, how did they make something like that.

I'm trying to decide if i want to go to costco, ralphs, or walmart today.  there is never time for more than one with a toddler.

i love garage sales.

i love my husband, he is so wonderful to me, especially when we stay up late talking about the most random things, mostly questions I have, but he obliges because he knows i would be thinking about them all night and not sleeping.

i like my new ward.  they are all so friendly.  i can't wait to get to know people better.  we gave talks yesterday and they went well.

Julia loves to dance.  its so much fun!!  and headandshoulders is her favorite song right now.  she is surprisingly coordinated.  also she can count to ten and its amazing!

i am still trying to decide what else to eat for breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the vacuum! I like to think that I vacuum the house fairly regularly, but each time I do it I'm amazed at how much junk is in my carpet. I love garage sales too :)
