daily adventures

The Daily Adventures and Thoughts of Riley, Kristen, Julia, and Kate

a continuation of http://plumb-diddly-umptious.blogspot.com/

Friday, August 3, 2012

Some Julia Stats...

Julia has known the ABC song for quite some time.  She now can recognize all uppercase letters A-Z and numbers 1-9.  The hardest letter to learn was W since it looks so much like M.  And with her numbers it is hard because some numbers look like letters.  But she pretty much has it down.  She can sometimes count to 20 on her own.  She has a huge vocabulary - if you point at a picture she knows the word - probably close to 400+ words. She's stringing some words together and saying almost full sentences. She's starting to add the words "the" "its" "and" "i want this" in her sentences more.  She also can sing some songs by herself - like patty cake, twinkle twinkle, ABCs, baa baa black sheep, and a whole bunch of elmo songs.  Way to Go Julia!  She's such a cute smarty!


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