daily adventures

The Daily Adventures and Thoughts of Riley, Kristen, Julia, and Kate

a continuation of http://plumb-diddly-umptious.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


So we have had a busy last week.  Riley had a laparoscopic intestinal resection surgery on Tuesday morning (Aug 21) and was at the hospital until Sunday (Aug 26).  They took out about 6 inches of small intestine and 4 inches of large intestine.  We decided to go with a hospital that is 30 minutes away up in La Jolla.  So I drove up every day to see him with Kate.  Kate was a celebrity with all the nurses, they sometimes paid her more attention than Riley.  And we enjoyed the cafeteria food (not really).  Riley's parents came to the hospital everyday as well which really helped me out to not have to be there all day long.  My mom watched Julia at home all week which was a total lifesaver because I can not imagine having a toddler in a surgical recovery hospital room all week.

We have felt everyone's love and support this past week.  I am so grateful for all the prayers and fastings that friends and family gave.  You always hear people say that they "have felt your prayers."  I guess I didn't really understand that until now.  I definitely felt the power of others people's prayers.  It was a neat feeling.

Riley is doing well now.  He just needs lots of rest.  He is taking it super slow and only walking so far each day.  He should return to work in a couple of weeks.

Of Course, here are some photos....

Riley's Fruit Arrangement from his work.  I guess it is more manly than flowers.

Grandma Carole and Kate.  It was so great to have mom here.

Some Photos....because thats what I blog