daily adventures

The Daily Adventures and Thoughts of Riley, Kristen, Julia, and Kate

a continuation of http://plumb-diddly-umptious.blogspot.com/

Monday, June 11, 2012

Baker Wedding May 26

Amanda and Donevan's wedding was wonderful.  Amanda looked beautiful in her dress and they were such a cute couple.  We were so happy to share that special day with them.  Here are some photos taken from their wedding day:

Beautiful Couple

Grandma Jean, Amanda, Mom

Daddy Daughter Dance

Why does this remind me of the wizard of Oz and those flowers that made them sleep

‎"we should realize that a good marriage does not require a perfect man or a perfect woman. It only requires a man and a woman committed to strive together toward perfection.” Dallin H. Oaks

Coming out of the temple

Mom & Dad

Wedding Party

Amanda and Julia

Beautiful Amanda

Walking out of the Temple

Something Funny....

Plumb Family

All Four Daughters Married


Julia loves her cousin kylie


Handsome Husbands and Beautiful Daughters

Kylie and Elmo and Julia

Mom & Dad

Grandma and Amanda

my hair

Sweet Julia

Julia and Grandpa Take 1

Julia and Grandpa Take 2

Kendra's BF holding her flowers and purse :-)

Inbetween Wedding and Reception - just relaxing

Grandpa Jim dancing with Julia

Donevan's little brothers toast topped mine by far, huge cute factor. But here's My Toast:

I would like to make a toast to Donevan and Amanda.  I would like to first give my congratulations to the happy couple.  When I first saw Amanda with Donevan, they were so comfortable together, they both had that  twinkle in their eyes that I knew would eventually lead to this great happiness. They really are a perfect couple and compliment each other so well especially in the little things that matter.  They both have lived great and worthy lives to be able to have been married in the temple today.  Along with everyone in the room, I commend you, Donevan and Amanda, and am grateful to be sharing such a wonderful occasion with the two of you today.  We all know, that this new step you took today will bring you such joy.  Congratulations to Donevan and Amanda. May you have a wonderful life together learning, growing, and loving.  We are so excited to see where your life together leads you.

1 comment:

  1. So pretty! Those flowers totally remind me of the Wizard of Oz too!
