daily adventures

The Daily Adventures and Thoughts of Riley, Kristen, Julia, and Kate

a continuation of http://plumb-diddly-umptious.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New Blog

Our new blog:


So update your "blog following wall" or saved "internet bookmark" with the new address etc.

Sorry I am not going to pay $ per month for more picture space.  And since my blog is all pictures this is going to happen each year.

I write on my blog and display my photos for my family and friends--so that I don't upload a zillion photos in the facebook world.  People are always complaining that there are too many mommys posting too many ridiculous photos on facebook.  We work hard for these kids and we want to show them off.  So my blog is to vent all my cute photos on.  Someday I can get organized and make a photo album, so this will also help me be organized for that time.

December 2012-?????


Love you all!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Saturday, November 17, 2012

White Dress

Julia's Wearing A White Dress, White Dress, White Dress, Julia's Wearing A White Dress All Day Long.....

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rock Time

All set up to play with the rocks on the patio...such a cute petrologist

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

He Is The Man

Dad is the Man!!

Julia's face is ridiculous in this one - talk about "conniving"

Monday, November 12, 2012


One morning Julia decided to sleep in, so I put Kate in her bed with her to wake her up.  Surprisingly, it still took her a few minutes to open her eyes to a squirming Kate next to her.  They both loved snuggling in the morning together.  Who wouldn't want to wake up to Kate?

Friday, November 9, 2012

Julia's Stripe Shirt

She totally calls this her "Happy Birthday Cake Shirt" because she wore it at her birthday party in September.

Pictures take October 27